Destination Wedding Timeline
Planning a destination wedding is an adventure of it’s own, no matter your location. This timeline will see you through every step of wedding planning from the day you get engaged til the day you say “I DO”
Destination Wedding Timeline
Planning a destination wedding is an adventure of it’s own, no matter your location. This timeline will see you through every step of wedding planning from the day you get engaged til the day you say “I DO”
Use this timeline as a guide to make your planning a breeze. A great resource is your local travel agent/expert who is a specialist in this type of travel! Destination weddings can be planned with ease by following our tips for finding the best destination wedding locations. Melody at Tropical Dreams has graduated with honors as a destination wedding and group travel expert from Destination Wedding University. She is a travel expert who loves planning romance travel.
You will find there are many parts to a destination wedding, putting these parts together in the wrong order can be a disaster! A travel agent that specializes in destination weddings and honeymoons can also be a great help in providing advice about destinations and help in planning each step along the way. Most of all, Specialists in Destination Weddings arrange/coordinate many weddings on beautiful beaches, and resorts per year. As a result will have resources you may not be able to find on your own. Working with us gives you access to exclusive services you won’t find anywhere else. Let get started making your dreams a reality!